Patent Reexamination Board decides to immediately Publish Decisions on Cases of Request for Invalidation
更新时间:2016-04-17 10:12 点击: 2341
In order to ensure the promptness of the information publicity, the Patent Reexamination Board decides to open a site column “Publication of Decisions of Invalidation Cases” on its website to immediately publish Decisions The site column is on the right side of the homepage of the Patent Reexamination Board, which will be put into use on April 26, 2016. All published decisions can be found at the following link: Http://app.sipo-reexam.gov.cn/reexam_out/wuxiao/wuxiaolb.jsp. The above decision can help to solve the outstanding problem of the longperiod of time taken in asserting a patent right, and can improve the prompt connection between verificationof patentright and a patent infringement case. on cases of request for invalidation.