Intellectual Property Symposium in Suzhou Industrial Park

更新时间:2017-04-25 09:16 点击: 2311

On November 16, 2016, the Intellectual Property Symposium was jointly organized by China PAT Intellectual Property Office and Abe & Partners in Suzhou Industrial Park.


At the Symposium, Takanori ABE, the president of Abe & Partners delivered a keynote address on “The Recent Dynamic of IP Protection in Japan”, gave out details of the recent dynamic of IP protection in Japan and advices for Chinese enterprises in case of any infringement dispute in Japan.


Mr Ya Yue, the spokesman of China PAT, discussed patent infringement avoidance and precautions by introducing the concept of patent, the concept of patent infringement, and how to avoid patent infringement. The purpose of this lecture is to provide developing enterprises with insights into infringement analyses and precautions.


November 17, 2016